26 Adar 5785 — כו אדר התשפה

Library, Literacy & Media Center

Book Fairs

Our Fall 2018 PTA Book Fair, sponsored by Mrs. Nelson's Book Company in our very own library, was a huge success! The children, parents and teachers really enjoyed seeing all the new books and buying one or more for their home libraries. A big thank-you to our very generous parents for donating books to teachers for use in their classroom libraries as well as for our school library!

Our Annual Barnes and Noble Book Fair at the Grove in March 2019, was so much fun, and helped us get many new books to add to our library collection! Every child received a small gift in appreciation for participating at the Book Fair. In addition to having our Summer Reading Lists and Leveled Book Lists at the Welcome Table, the children could choose to get their face painted, make a bookmark, and/or make a cartoon. Seeing so many families come out to support our school on a Sunday is always a wonderful experience!

What happens when someone has a Growth Mindset?

  • They love learning
  • They know progress takes time
  • They ask for help
  • They get inspired by others
  • They are not afraid to fail
  • They love new challenges
  • They view mistakes as opportunities
  • They put forth effort
  • They learn from feedback
  • They keep trying until they succeed

Parent Book Club:

Our Parent Book Club meets every 6-8 weeks and focuses on a different book each meeting. We have a lot of fun! Sometimes we meet at family homes, restaurants, and even the beach during the summer! If you would like to join, please email Mrs. Rouhi at erouhi@hillelhebrew.org.

Scholastic's favorite quotes about reading

Like Scout and her father in To Kill a Mockingbird, my father would pull me onto his lap each night in our four-room apartment and read aloud. Jim Trelease

Reading for pleasure isn't separate from learning to read. Pam Allyn

My television fed me visions, but I never created my own until I became a reader. Barry Lane

I wouldn't be a songwriter if it wasn't for books that I loved as a kid. Taylor Swift

Independent reading is a doorway to imagination and discovery, a way to motivate children to read and learn and realize themselves. Scholastic CEO Dick Robinson

A childhood spent among books prepared me for a lifetime as a reader. Carol Jago

What I did understand was the pleasure that good stories offer and the power of books to introduce me to lives and experiences beyond my own. Rudine Sims Bishop

Even though I had reading challenges as a kid, I really did love to read, as long as I could choose my own books. Dav Pilkey

I realize, of course, that I wasn't born knowing how to read. I just can't imagine a time when I didn't know how. Katherine Paterson